High Quality
We provide high quality products and services in all our projects.
We provide high quality products and services in all our projects.
We provide reliability by considering occupational safety and qualification for our works.
We provide necessary training opportunities for our employees to improve themselves.
We conduct our business with a vision of open, transparent, accountable and sustainable growth with a corporate management approach.
We also contribute to the economy through employment with the projects we realize.
We take into account the expectations of our stakeholders and establish long-term and lasting relationships.
We take into account the environmental and social impacts of our projects, examine them and try to create positive changes.
We take utmost care in climate change, conservation of natural resources and health of the environment.
We support not only our employees, but also all our stakeholders, the professional branches that ensure the realization of our projects and the society through training.
We oppose all forms of discrimination and respect human rights wherever we do our projects.
Audits are carried out in order to realize and improve the transparent management policy in Head Office departments and all projects.
Within the scope of the annual audit plan, financial statements and reports, financial control, local and international legislation and compliance and quality audit studies are carried out.
Corrective actions regarding nonconformities identified as a result of these audits are implemented. We expect our employees to be transparent and open about the supervision of their processes and work.
Makimsan accepts and applies the principles of the Corporate Principles Agreement as a guide.
Makimsan addresses the fundamental responsibilities of the business world in the areas of 10 Principles of the Global Principles Agreement, human rights, working standards, environment and anti-corruption.
It accepts that “the companies that incorporate the 10 Principles into their strategies, policies and procedures not only maintain their fundamental responsibility for people and the planet, but also lay the ground for long-term success.”
OHS is seen as a basic value from the management level to the lowest level. We work with the most competent teams in business processes. OHS starts at Makimsan with prediction of the risks.
Makimsan believes that all accidents can be prevented by planning and implementation of plans.
So, it works with a zero-accident target. Training is at the heart of our proactive approach to accident prevention.
Therefore, we carry out detailed training in our projects in cooperation with competent institutions.
Our sensitivity to OHS applies not only to our own employees but also to our subcontractors whose services we benefit from. We examine the accidents, which occur in spite of all the precautions we have taken, in depth, find the reasons and take lessons so that they cannot be repeated again.
Makimsan has an environmentally sensitive approach in all of its projects.
Makimsan invests in the training of its employees based on the establishment philosophy and tradition of time. We train our employees on Computer Skills, Construction Management, Environment, Safety and Health, Legal Processes, Machine & Equipment Management, Project Control and Management, Quality Control, Sustainability.
MAKİMSAN aims to contribute to the welfare, development and education of the society through its projects.
Makimsan ensures the welfare of the society, the development of the companies with which it works, the increase in the quality of employment and the increase in the sharing of culture and art through the income it generates, the tax it pays, the employment it provides, the revenue it provides to its suppliers, the infrastructure it realizes, the environmental care it shows, the sponsorships and the trainings it provides.